This little separation of limb and trunk was discovered on the morning of June 20 -- the day of our engagement party and five days before we were set to move in. Family and friends were descending upon us for the celebration, and I’d planned to conduct several tours of our new street as well as move in an antique table that my aunt and uncle were bringing me from my grandmother’s. So, I thought my fiancée was joking when he called and said, “I’ve got good news and bad news…”
The good news for me was that, while the falling limb required a “caution” police barrier around our block for the rest of the day, I -- the uber-important owner of the house -- was able to navigate past it. “That’s my house,” I explained matter-of-factly to the tree and power guys as I ducked under the yellow tape. I kept looking around and wondering when all of my soon-to-be new neighbors would come pouring out of their homes, offering comforting words and an apple pie or two. Perhaps that was the bad news. Even while taking out their power for several hours and blocking the passage way for their Volvo station wagons… our arrival announcement didn’t seem to make much of a splash.

Hopefully Granny Tree won’t try to outdo herself next time.