Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Break In

Lest this post's title makes you worry we've now been victims of some heinous crime, I'll quickly get to my point: it's the squirrels again.  They are everywhere in my hood.  And they're THIS BOLD.

This is the top of my neighbor's house.  And this jerkazoid is just having a ball going IN AND OUT.   (So the neighbors were the victims of the break in this time, "nut" us. ha ha.)

But this guy's transgression I'll never get over.

He looked me in the eye as I was taking pictures and (I'm not making this up), ran up to the top of their house and mooned me.  I have witnesses...he wanted us to see his squirrelly butt -- and though there were no words, the message was clear.

While it is not my intention for this blog to morph from lessons on new home ownership/husbandship to animal pranks, this stuff sometimes writes itself.

However, I'd be remiss if I didn't say something profound about the fact that in less than one week, I'll be married to this wonderful darling man I live with.  So exciting!  People keep asking, "Are you nervous? Are you ready?" Well, remember that corny pun a few paragraphs back?  The word was "nut," folks, but perhaps I should've just said "nuts" because that's what I'm going.  But I can keep it in perspective: I've got the groom in the bag -- and he's an amazing one -- so whether or not I finish tying ribbons on all the programs, or ensure all of the welcome bags are complete, or stutter over my vows, or grow a volcanic zit on my cheek the day before, it's all going to be a-okay.  This time next week, I can scream at that squirrel's butt: "You get out of here and don't ever come back... Or you'll have to answer to my HUSBAND!"

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget, Squirrels like nuts. Maybe when things are back to sanity after the wedding, those squirrels won't find the house as attractive anymore :)
